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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The unconventionals

Yup, it's about the unconventionals...

People, cast, creed, beliefs, genders or relationships!

A part of this whole realm fits 'conveniently' well for me and probably those of mine

Whereas some, seperates me from 'mine'...

Ones destiny can play a very unconventional role at times...

To make one long for love from the time they gain consciousness of themselves,

Land at an unknown land to only make it their own

Without worrying about the conventional ways of being 

And yet, made to breath in the dark marsh with  depths rooted in fear of being found, questioned, shamed or made to feel guilty by none other than those of their own.

For whom to blame? 

The design of one's star?

People, who could have handheld that 'one', thru the conventional path? But weren't ever there.....

Or those that crossed paths exactly when the conventionality wondered?

Well, yes! It's about the unconventionals!

Who chooses to stay mum, even when questioned.

For they, dance to the song of their heart's rhythm...and know no one can ever come closer to those 

One, who feel the burden of being mistaken all over, again and again

For they, choose peace than another war in the exterior of what is their own conventional ecosystem

Very unconventional! Isn't it? 

Shyaad jeena isi ka naam hai 


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