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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Wonderful bond of Faith - Brahminy Kite and me

7th July 2024

(Artificial intelligence version)

A cold wind whipped across the terrace yesterday evening as I paced in an "infinity loop," audiobook playing but unheard. My mind was a whirlwind – thoughts of relocation, work, self-doubt, all swirling together. Suddenly, a sticky web brought me back to reality with a jolt. This wasn't your average spiderweb; it was strangely strong and clung to me like a thousand invisible spikes.

A giggle escaped my lips as I imagined the scene from my neighbor's perspective – a spotlight illuminating my frantic attempts to disentangle myself, a scene straight out of a Mr. Bean show.

Needing a break from the mental clutter, I looked up. The vast sky, ever-present, offered solace. Birds dotted the twilight canvas, their silhouettes a calming sight. My heart quieted, replaced by a peaceful exhaustion.

One last gaze skyward before bidding it goodnight, a deep longing filled me. The Brahminy Kite, a rare and auspicious visitor, had been absent for far too long. Often, I'd spot them while doing chores or enjoying a cup of tea on my balcony, their graceful flight a source of constant joy.

With a silent request, I expressed my wish to see them again.

This morning, amidst a flurry of other kites, a Brahminy Kite appeared. Elated and filled with awe, I stood there, the magic of the moment a beautiful answer to a simple yearning.

This experience served as a reminder – sometimes, the greatest comfort lies in the simple act of looking up, appreciating the vastness above, and reconnecting with nature's wonders.


(raw draft - human version)
This morning, between 7:45 - 8:30 am I got the best surprise for my day. The surprise was even more touching because it was a request answered in the most magical way.

Let's take a step back to 'yesterday evening' when I was feeling a bit low and wanted to engage in some activity to breakaway from the dullness, feeling of exhaustion from overthinking. I chose to play an audio book and take 'infinity-loop' walk on the terrace. The weather was cold and bit windy too...with no traces of rains.

Though, I was listening to the audio book, my thoughts eventually drifted from: relocating to home-town, the practicality of it, to whether continue with the current employer or move away or even re-start with permaculture and a farm-stay back at home, to ongoing events at office, to sports (I would like to engage with), to self doubt, to present - maintain an 'infinity loop' with my foot steps, to the messy, sticky and itchy spider or ant's web that I got entangled with! 

Oops....God really has a wonderful way of bringing me back to track :). I then lost the train of my thoughts and got busy feeling that weird stickiness on my right cheek and the lower arm that was lifted to de-tangle me...:P (I know, too dramatic). 

My thoughts were now busy analyzing the strong and strange web. 'Strong' because this was consecutively the third day when I bumped into it (probably it was too dark) and this time, I unknowingly scraped it from each of it's anchoring points: clothes line wires, the TV dish antenna and the terrace floor. 'Strange' because, this one in-particular, felt very different. The thread glued to my body was like a thin strand with invisible spikes which would open-up in all its mightiness when in-touch with humans. 

I was also giggling at the realization - how the night lamp from neighbor's terrace, shining on me like a spot light and how with all my shake-it-off gestures, the neighbour's would feel I may probably the live streaming of of one of Mr. Bean's show. 

Well, then I had to continue with my walk and a thought crossed my mind, what was it that use to bring me ease on such walks? And I looked-up at the sky. No matter what time or day of my life, this sky has always been my constant and shelter, my sounding board and my guiding canvas. I continued to walk with my head held up, towards the sky and saw a few birds heading back home, some bats, few grey and late Herons (I could identify from their silhouette). And the chatter in mind stopped, heart was at peace, in the moment and body tired and sleepy.

Just before greeting goodnight to the sky, I looked-up for one final time and had this deep urge and longing to see the Brahminy Kite. Which are a very rare-sight. And this time its been so long that it made a visit to me. I consider them as an auspicious presence which would fill me with ecstasy and my eyes would be glued to the sky following their calming flight trajectory

I use to often spot them in te afternoons, while washing clothes on terrece or during early evenings from my balcony which overlooks the vast sky in a panaromic view, where I would be having my evening tea.  . I always loved their carefree fight and have developed a special bond with them.

And that night, I requested the kite to pay me a visit and that I am missing seeing it. 

This morning it quietly appeared amongst other kites and I stood elated - filled with awe.

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