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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Life - like Pichkoo dhokla

 Yup! Sometimes one is so excited with a receipe in mind and the tummy is already prepared to do a grand welcome for food being prepared in kitchen, but one which is already cooked in the mind and also plated.

But then, the tangy twist happens!
 (Say life happens)

The airy powedry soda, which is supposed to make the Dhokla batter fluffy, eventually gets solidified and if the cook isn't cautious, in the excitement of it being the last act in the game, may directly add the lumps! Thinking themselves as one like the famous Salt Bae.🙄

The result will be a batter which gets steamed as it  or gets fluffy only in places where the soda lumps were hiding, more like grande!!

Exactly, like the dhokla below.
Though the taste was good...but I had to swallow it than enjoying it. 

While eating, I felt a uncanny resemblance of that of some people's life with that of this Pichkoo  (deflated) Dhokla. Where one plans a great deal about one's life and phissss...the air is gone away.

The planner takes great care about every single details like how one would gather the raw material for Setting the curd at home, stealing a few home grown Curry leaves, even getting organic milled gram flour! But who would have thought the soda will be the culprit and when the packet would be cut open and poured on the batter...chapak! (Ok ok... that's too exaggerated). The lumps fell off and inspite of all the efforts to crush it before the oxidation processes gets over...was all in vain.

Nevertheless, life is life :)

And the celebration can be of different texture or colours too!

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