Hmmm ...Here I Am this is me....Its a multifacet blog -
FOCUSLYDEFOCUSED.....finally happened to be registered at 10:11am on 1st April 2012..:)...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BLOG. The idea of
starting a blog or say desire was always their deep within my heart......but this morning was special ...hahah not because
its Sunday - THE ONLY 1 day!!....but because its the day when all the energies around me wanted to start this ....& it
Just HAPPENED. I am so very happy....
Now let me share how the energies became so powerful....-
yesterday it was a working day for me & for some project, i was googling a
few images of Havan/Yagya..(sacrad Holy fire offering to GOds in
India)...I came across a rich image of a metal spoon
like piece filled with various multicolored grains...check soon after digging deep into the source of this image, i was all filled with
the thoughts of Various mouthwatering dishes...hmm yummy & it was lunch
time too....just couldn't hold my hunger anymore....but to secure my discovery
i made it a point to
share the link with my brother who is in pune & thought he would
love to try any of the dishes...then I left office & when home...prepaired
roties, raita & baingan ka bharta....then forgot above all the stuff that
Evening my brother called me when i was watching - HEY BABBY....he was at
his office annual day party & was lost kind off...i asked him if he could
check his mail...he said he had replied to my mail with another link
& i would be surprised to go through it & will also be happy....then I
got a purpose to go out of home for the evening... to CHECK MY MAIL in cyber
It was
brother's ex. roompartner , a blogger, a silent observer..& I met him few
years back in Pune when i visited my brother. Well a thought was born in me my
mind..without my concious awareness though....... SIMPLICITY...The attitude of
doing it NOW ..JUST ACT..& the rest of the evening went in long drive...a
Casata cake slice, good times with my cute little neighbour Adi, talk with DAD
on phone, roti & bharta as dinner ..few pages of a book...& deep sleep.
It is this day - THE DAY when the very first thought in my mind was the name
of my blog - what not!...but was not available then did some R&D on the
words thoughts...then thought of the name fireplaceforthoughts...&
something too close to my nature - focuslydefocused.
I quickly sent a sms to one of my dear friend who I felt could be the best
person to choose one out of the this phase of my life......Then what? its blog is here FOCUSLYDEFOCUSED...sms reply was
focusly De focused.....the sms says a lot about the +iveness of that
person.......hmmm so its the begining....
Well do u still want my intro??....hmm here i am this is me -
FOCULYDEFOCUSED - Ruchika jain...looks like jackie chan..famous as
Ruchika wang (i guess)....sometimes a writer, a painter, a creaitive mind, a traveller, a
PA, a Graphic designer, a artist... A Child...a friend........haha, all this doesn't matter much ...what MATTER's the MOST Is - a HAPPY SOUL...n
I am on the go....!!