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Wednesday, September 25, 2024


This noon, in cab, returning from work, I was thinking what-if I do a photo post of all the things that brings me joy!😊 

A real and latest set of picture/s about each of those listed events/ experiences ❤️. I later forgot about this thought and reached home. While checking my bag for house key, I noticed some purple danglers from corner of eyes and soon it clicked to me that those are the purple shankh pushp !! And this was the first time they all bloomed in bundles like this. I was overjoyed.

Infact, I had stopped looking after that plant as it was once infected, completely died  and resurfaced on its own 🤷‍♀️😊

Instantly, I felt deep gratitude along with a feeling of shock. I Remembered about my thoughts when I started my trip back home and how the very first on my photo wishlist was that of flowers.

This bloom was a blissful surprise from the supreme above and it felt as if I was heard and answered with love 🥰

Do what brings you joy.

After a deep reflection on each passing moment, events that takes place, feelings and emotions I feel or those that surface, to the information I come across on the www world - sometimes deeply settling and resonating and sometimes uprooting.

I thought it's time to rebuilt self or lay a foundation now, for a probable future. Who knows if there is a time when I might forget who I am or what made me 'me'...I should be reminded - all that matter is 'Joy' and indulging in it is the ultimate...

Here, I ask myself, what is it that brings you Joy T?


  1. spending time in my garden and seeing every leaf, embracing them and feelings the warmth and comfort amidst them and the feeling of awe when mud transforms a seed into a new possibility.
  2. Listening to tiny kids in my surroundings, I love the wonder in their twinkling eye and that innocent tone.
  3. Sitting by a lake or ocean and just watch the ripples or waves
  4. Sleep under the bright open sky.
  5. Brew tea.
  6. Long walks and deep soulful conversations.
  7. A heartfelt laughter shared with tribe that matches my vibes.
  8. Being Carefree! Be it dressing, letting the hairs untied or as it and not comb them (but definately not entangled :p)
  9. Selfcare in form of herbal massages, yoga, nurturing, love and care.
  10. Snuggles and hugs.
  11. Art with clay, paper, colours or words.
  12. Music and singing in chorus
  13. Feeling of coming home everytime I get lost in my thoughts and dissect them.
  14. Company of like minded people.
  15. Selfless service to mother nature, elderly and cows.
  16. Attending satsangs at AOL.
  17. Traditional Garba dance.
  18. Stationary.
  19.  Cooking soulful meals
  20. A place I can call home 🤞 (a warm hug, being understood, a tiny bit of love and care, warm hospitality ..)
  21. Hugging a tree.
  22. Lightning a lamp.
  23. Stare at the full moon for hours and converse.
  24. Gifting.
  25. Dance.
  26. Hot chocolate in beautiful handcrafted ceramic mugs
  27. Wisdom in the company of elderly and respected. 
  28. Hearty Stories (books, sharing, letters etc) 
  29. Those specific footwear's that I feel - were meant for me :) 
  30. Effortless and guilt free sleep.
  31. Rains and mountains.
  32. Curiosity about different tiny life forms and their behaviours, their world and ways of living. 
  33. Butterflies and birds
  34. Wildlife sanctuaries and untouched wild forests, amidst mist
  35. Tortoise, Elephants and Horses.
  36. Trying different hairstyles.
  37. Trains journeys and drives.
  38. Flowers.
  39. Grateful heart. 
  40. Mom's heartfelt laughter 
  41. The assuring warmth of rising sun that gives me hope.
  42. Open grasslands, Hampi and Pondicherry.
  43. Coffee shops and conversations.
  44. Books and writings that can transport me a different land of their own :)
  45. Creating a piece of furniture, art or a landscape.