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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

What is beautiful about writing

Past few weeks I have been chasing the episodes of Jane the Virgin on Netflix and noticed how it has become one inseparable part of my-life.

Like for people, at times, I dread that the series would get over soon and I will be left hanging in the same mundane life of work, eat, sleep... work or contemplate my life, actions or choices. 

Well, at the E32 of S2 (episode 32 of Season 2), I had this euphoric moment when I felt a deep resemblance to the lead character - Jane and in particular the writer in her. Her untiring efforts towards acing the dream to be a novelist while also balancing the new Mommy role 💖. I adore how her character draws the inspiration from all the crazy events that took place and turn it into a well-turned piece of Thriller, Mystery, Si-fi  only to know from her advisor that the task was given to her to break her limitations and at last was advised to choose Romance for her assignment. So thoughtful! isn't it?

While watching that episode - when Jane was attending to her writing - 'Romance' and how the cinematography portrayed Jane's thoughts as horizons were broadened experientially and I got my title to this post :). I realised how writing can be extremely therapeutic (which my therapist advised or gave assignments for), immensely healing and a catalyst in broadening ones understanding of life, experience or even fantasies in the most harmless ways. And can bring order to chaotic situations by simple way of brain-dump and reflection.

(Photo: The CW)

And for me, what is more beautiful is :

  • It lifts my spirits and this is one tiny thing that I do for purely myself as if I am one with myself holistically, truthfully and it challenges me in ways I never knew it would I have a mental image about what I want to write but don't know what word, phrase or tone would fit, or a word just appears magically and I look for it's meaning to know that it fits perfectly on the canvas of my story and sometimes I stumble upon a new word or even a writeup while searching for something else and I get transported and in awe. 

  • It's a gift to me from the supreme - from my past into my present, an ode to my lineage.

  • Even when I think of decor or craft - I associate myself with written words and different fonts. I am always amazed how different font style infuses moods in writing. 

  • Words - spoken, written, sung or touched can help us craft our lives. 

  • Neither all writing can be written nor all can be understood in one lifetime :). The more we co-exist, the more we learn and more we evolve.

  • It all starts with writing each era. 

Well, getting back to Jane the virgin -  this beautifully written light hearted telenovela has many lessons for me at this age of my life and I feel so blessed that the morning affirmations - 'Everything is working out for me' actually worked in the most unsought and creative ways...exactly as if it was meant for me  :)

 I am deeply grateful for this time and experience sharing. 

More love & grace <3 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Matters of the mind vs matter of the heart

Matters of the mind vs matter of the heart

Endless chatters vs deadly silence of the heart

Neither 'horizons' to the chatter nor  invoked feelings of the heart

It beats - only for the illusion of the dread, 

Alas! Here are the tears... cry of the wounded heart.

Matters of the mind vs matter of the heart.

Astrology, numerology, palmistry or tarot.. Where can peace be borrowed?

Failed attempts to follow even one beat of the heart. Silence harrowed.

For known was packed schedules - to matter the matters of mind.

At stake was trust, honesty, belief, belonging, lust, dignity, relief or timing.

Matters of the mind vs matter of the heart