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Friday, February 3, 2023

That which anchors me

So, today is the day I mark as a reset day. Into a journey of self-acceptance, Love, Healing and off-course thriving!

It's been a emotionally rollercoaster ride thru the past few months and a constant juggle to find a balance and inner calm.

Few mins back, I came out of a session (therapy) that I felt was so much needed to feel connected to self and continue into the bigger, better and blissful gift of life. Also, to take this opportunity to revive back into who I am or was originally that I stabbed and killed to just match the social needs around me and to that of limited understanding of myself.

This post is purely to thank every single event, person, blessings and that strike of ๐Ÿ€ luck, knowledge that came my way, the capabilities which ensured a better beginning in many ways ahead :) and offcourse to thank myself for loving me unconditionally <3

And God forbid, if ever - there comes a day when I completely forget what it means to feel anchored, I want to come back to this post....

  1. Gratitude : Days which felt like endings or hopeless and dead,  gratitude journal was the most trusted survival mode for me. It helped me collect back the broken pieces, accept life and fuse new perspective to everything that happened and connect to the Big Picture in this whole realm of life.

  2. Being compassionate towards the self : Days when we don't know why we exist, or feel terrible about our selves or totally distant or confused and detached with everyone living or dead...The best way to go about such days is to just acknowledge that this side of us does exist, do not label it as dark or bad but just another color of the rainbow which makes life and the individual complete. Such attitude also helps us to open-up to be accepting of others and allow a deeper bond.

  3. Do a reality check : With the overflowing information which also at times helps us to escape the unwanted feelings or distract from over thinking; we sometimes tend to drift off from the normal path of natural feelings and almost unconsciously start to behaved more dramatically...just to be justifiable, to fit into the new learnings or perceived acceptance. Hence, it always helps the do a check-in with self, that if the feelings I feel about myself are really true...does it really makes sense or I am trying to be another character in one of the mental movie I have been weaving.

  4. Trust the course of Life and that eventually everything will make sense : Don't force yourself to arrive at a conclusion or even if you tried hard, take time to know if your heart is at peace with that else just be. These days might feel like isolation or deeply lost but when we tune in with a little drop of faith over our fears and know that life has it's flavours, we eventually allow a compassionate and more unbiased or uninfluenced approach to solve for ourselves. Mind-you...these days would also test the trustworthiness of any relation or human investment in our lives and that may get hit badly or get wounded but the least you can do is ...wish well, distance a bit till you feel ready to talk or mend....but first, look after yourself, get all that is needed to mend the wound within.

  5. Reflecting : Trying to make sense is also about reflecting in the past or various repeated patterns or experiences of life. Does the episode takes you back to any deep rooted belief you have about yourself, life in general or one that is either a fantasy or fear. Probably such times are to turn the spotlight upon the self and look deeper. 

  6. Cultivating Acceptance: Yes, this is the most difficult of all....and hence, needs to be cultivated. One seed of thought with little willingness at a time; to accept the self in good and not-so good times. No-matter how questionable it gets or how outside of the league it sounds or looks...we should make every effort to accept the self, the event/s that became the trigger, the delayes we imposed on ourselves, the non-worthiness we feel about us or certain methods....we should give it all a chance with a kind heart.

  7. Everyone is on a journey and are all a part of God's divine plan: Just believe. Be forgiving or be willing to forgive. No point in entertaining the harsh emotions or rage, revenge, envious or greedy or even self-pity. This too shall pass and all will be fine. Believe it.

  8. When we help ourselves, the solution finds us too: in form of professional help, in form of a loving & caring neighbours, inform of understanding friends, in form of nature, bliss, physical health and art. Just go with the flow and never question the power of those uncalled-for tiny moments of happiness. We all deserve them. Just be thankful and indulge. Hard days calls for a reset, repurpose, re-wiring and shouldn't be imposing know that you are allowed to feel loved, happy and calm. 
Thanks Tanu! Loads of love and Grace! takecare๐Ÿ’–

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