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Monday, December 9, 2024

Meeting by chance...

A few months back I met Dr. Raj, he seems to have a lot of other titles like face reader, PhD  economics, palmist, ayurvedic practitioner etc.

That day I was with my mom and we both had been out for breakfast. When we were leaving and I was taking out my two wheeler from the parking,  I bumped into this elderly man and he apologized for coming in my way for which I smiled and said - it's ok.

He then said that the resturant is really good and he often visits it. To me it felt like he is overly extrovert types of may be I was introvert at that moment.

He had a medicine packet in his hand and I asked if he is there to buy meds from the chemist? For which he said, he was there for the ayurvedic meds not allopathic.

Well... I knew mom was loosing her patience. I gestured that uncle that it was nice meeting him. He requested if I can share my Date of birth for which he can help guide me or help me with a certain tips or topics for my wellbeing. It was a moment where I was put on spot and I felt a bit awkward. But knowing that the individual is genuine, I simply asked..why don't you guess it?..based on your experience with horoscope, face reading etc...

And viola! He guessed it one hundred percent accurate. And with some magical powers, I too was successful in guessing his birth sign. He was a Leo. 

Well, why am I writing about him?... Is just that at days when I am too low, I  remember his words of acknowledgement...." Life has been too demanding in the last two years for you" and I had had a lump in my throat when he said it. It almost felt like I was exposed.

Mom was standing there but due to language barrier, couldn't follow much of our conversations...

I dint want her to feel out of place so explained her each line spoken. She masked her expressions ... Whereas I couldn't. 

Today, when a lot of thoughts running my mind, feeling of resentment and bitterness consuming me, a agony I feel, the irritation I feel against self and the whole world.... Is weighing me down. I remembered this individual and a few things he said. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

And I missed that little me

 Just now when I was about to sign off of the day Mom and her punjabi Friend (Aunty) called me.

Aunty had shared an old pic of me from her wedding album and when I was on call with her, she asked me - did you see the baby Tanu?...

I had then just glanced the pic in awe and how beautiful my Mom and Dad were in it.

After disconnecting the call, I took a close look as how I was and what was I doing and what were my feelings or expression be then?....

In one of the pic, I saw myself standing nearing Papa and feelings so safe and in my own elements. Don't know what nudged me and I had this deep longing to go back... be near Papa 😭😔💔💔. This feeling was so deep that it tore me apart....I am still unable to understand what was it that I wasn't prepared for in this pic....

Why is it that tears are pouring....and I chose to seek support of this space to let the emotions flow out of my system....
