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Thursday, October 17, 2024

A bond we share.


Just us.
Tears and clouds
Mine and theirs 

We converse.
First, as naive,
Then in stares of similarities.

We pause.
To catch a gaze,
To lit a bit of heart's space.

No words.
Just, strong string of emotions,
Radiance amidst the darkness.

Emerging stars.
 One with a Halo, amidst the cloudy sky,
Another, with a twinkle in her eye.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Being heard & acknowledged


Not a complaint in anyway, but peace after going thru a state of un-awareness to self-awareness to denial about the fact, experiencing internal conflict at every step, hurt from exteriors to that self-imposed ones for not being able to respectfully allow acceptance ...those questioning  times about how such a bond can be evaluated as hurtful or damaging... it's so hard, especially with deeper eternal wiring of ethics, respect and what you see normal from societal point of view.

In many ways, I have come a long way, the many battles, sometimes all at ones or prolonged greif but I was looked after well, I was loved and  cared for, respected in the worst of my days when I would have had the most dark side of me surfacing.

I am deeply grateful for this life force within and for all that came as blessings in my life.