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Monday, December 30, 2024

One doodle at a time ..

Inching towards 2025...

Dreams and the messages they carry

This year or from past few years, since I have known that dreams have a message they carry, I have been very curious to interpret my own dreams. 

Whenever I get a dream, I aspire to find deeper meaning to it or guidance that I am being provided for my waking life. Sometimes the clarity that I get from such interpretations clears off any associated fears.

Initially, when I was very new to this phenomenon, I would read things to favour myself... Ha ha and have made many weird choices based on added layer of my own interpretations (mean, favourite my wish:p), which possibly was not it was meant like.

Slowly I developed this dream interpretation skills and self awareness. I also heavily relied on Google search and was always suprised to be surprised and was awestruck with the similarity of my dreams with someone on this earth and the fact that they have written about it. 

At times dreams helped me acknowledge my life's phases or events better and more objectively, for eg. -  When I had an ugly fight with a friend and he left, I saw in my dream two dogs one tide up in my home (@hometown) and another one at the other end of that lane. It was raining heavily and this one in home side is yearning to be freed up and run to the other who is in panic and drowing. Right from colour of these dogs, the representation - dog, rains, to the situation, and my own feelings that I felt in my dreams are all cue that leads to enhanced dream interpretations. And because it resonates so deeply with me at the time in my life where I was struggling and seeking support or a sign from the supreme, such dream helped me immensely and I started to Venice (typo for 'belive'. I wanted to let it be there :p) them.

Being aware that my dreams aren't as frequent, I am more confident that it always carries some message for me. There was a time that I would maintain a diary and document my dreams (one I get in my sleep) and the meaning after the Google search, but I left that a longtime ago, thinking, why to add one more task to manage and make time for.....?

These dreams have beautifully communicated to me and connected my conscience. Days when I was practicing meditation, or different retreat programmes and when I could feel a beautiful warmth and ease in my being, I saw crystal clear waters in Lake, ponds, a small garden pot (with a memory of the house I felt at home).

What nudged me to write this post today was one such dream I had this morning (~2.20 am. I delivered a baby girl which was my own tiny self)... And found some write-up on quora, copying it below:

Last night, I delivered a baby girl  in my dream and held her in my arms. How should I interpret it from a psychological and spiritual perspective?

Response by Auther : David Cline 

This is a positive dream. To give birth in a dream means you've given birth to a new potential in you, and you are holding this baby, potential, giving it your love and energy.

It takes 9 months for a baby to come to term. Reflect back on your life 9 months ago. What was going on then. Also that many years ago, and at that age.
These times generally point to important transitional times in your life. Currently by giving birth to this new potential in you you are in another transitional time in your life.

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I would like to emphasize that dreams are also more relevant when one is deeply self aware, knows the deeper feelings and it's working on self in the walking life to understand patterns, lessons or inner battles etc. Indeed I feel this dream was a gift from my hardwork on one hour journaling last evening and also sleeping with a kind note to myself "I love and accept you, exactly as you are". These words were so comforting to me and I din't realise when I slipped into a deep deep sleep.

Signing off.